Android helps Manet create a useful new resource for hotels​

Marco Maisto, CTO e co-founder e Marco BArbato, CPO e co-founder lavorano alla soluzione Manet


The idea behind Manet is to provide guests staying in accommodation such as hotels, bed & breakfasts and holiday homes with a smartphone. Unlimited international calls and 4G access are included. This takes away any issues with Internet connection and roaming costs. The phone can also be used to stay in touch with accommodation owners, who can share news, information and offers. Developed on the Android platform, the smartphone helps tourists enjoy their stay even more through in-built GPS geolocation and 7 specially-designed apps, as well as Internet access and the phone call function. The venture has gained support from key partners, with 4 Android specialists and 6 additional members of staff now being hired. “The openness of the platform and the vast size of the developer community immediately convinced us to use Android,” says Antonio Calia, the CEO of Manet. “We have more than 1,000 devices in use every month, with 10,000 unique monthly users,” he adds. …


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Manet App

Tutta la comodità dell'assistenza digitale
sempre disponibile
  • Web dashboard
  • Check-in e identificazione
  • Check-out e pagamento
  • Gestione spazi comuni
  • Prenotazione dei servizi extra
  • Strumenti di viaggio
  • Contenuti e servizi turistici
  • Chat in tempo reale
  • Chiamate gratuite
  • Internet illimitato
  • Hotspot wifi
  • Audioguide multilingua
  • Samsung device personalizzato

Manet Device

Un device per offrire ai tuoi clienti
la migliore esperienza di viaggio
  • Web dashboard
  • Check-in e identificazione
  • Check-out e pagamento
  • Gestione spazi comuni
  • Prenotazione dei servizi extra
  • Strumenti di viaggio
  • Contenuti e servizi turistici
  • Chat in tempo reale
  • Chiamate gratuite
  • Internet illimitato
  • Hotspot wifi
  • Audioguide multilingua
  • Samsung device personalizzato

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